2nd Annual 99 Bottles of Beer On The Lawn

Southern Napa will be holding the 2nd Annual 99 Bottles of Beer on the Lawn on Saturday, May 10th in Daphne, AL. The event not only provides the chance to taste 99 Craft Beers under a 3,000 Square foot tent, but also includes food and live music. You can look through the entire list of 99 beers that will be available at the festival on Southern Napa's Facebook page.

The beer festival is held in combination with a 5K run through Olde Towne Daphne prior to the event. What better way to build up a thirst before the festival? Southern Napa will also be hosting a Live on the Lawn concert the night before the festival, Friday, May 9th featuring Willie Sugarcapps.

Tickets are $30 for the festival and can be purchased online, or save the transaction fees and purchase them at Southern Napa. Tickets for the 5K run are $25 or you can buy tickets to both the festival and run for $50.

Event Summary
Event: 99 Bottles of Beer on the Lawn
Location: Southern Napa, Daphne, AL
When: Saturday, May 10th 1-5pm (5K Run starts at noon)
Cost: $30 for beer festival, $25 for 5K run, $50 for both
- Tickets Available Online or at Southern Napa